Book Creator
Book Creator is the simplest, most inclusive way to create content in the classroom. It’s so easy to use that everyone can get started straight away, whatever their age or ability. More than simply creating books, it’s powerful enough to build stunning interactive creations of all kinds and drives authentic engagement, inclusion and learning across the curriculum.
What can you create in Book Creator?
- Interactive stories
- Digital portfolios
- Research and reflection journals
- Poetry books
- Science reports
- Course materials
- Instruction manuals
- Workbooks
- 'About me' books
- Comic adventures
- Whatever they can imagine!
What are the premium features of Book Creator?
- 1,000 books per license
- Unlimited libraries
- Core creativity features (AI “magic” pen tools, photos, videos, voice recorder, music, shapes, backgrounds etc)
- Easy-to-use interface
- 230+ accessibility features
- Real-time collaboration
- Translations
- Co-teacher functionality
- App-smashing
- Premium page templates and lesson plans
- Book publishing
- Analytics map for published books
- In-app chat support for teachers
- ISBN/varenr. 300000454
- Språk Albansk, Amharisk, Arabisk, Bokmål, Bosnisk, Bulgarsk, Burmesisk, Dansk, Engelsk, Estisk, Finsk, Fransk, Hollandsk, Islandsk, Italiensk, Japansk, Kinesisk, Koreansk, Kurdisk, Kvensk, Latin, Latvisk, Litauisk, Lulesamisk, Nepalsk, Nordsamisk, Norrønt, Nynorsk, Pashto, Persisk, Polsk, Portugisisk, Rumensk, Russisk, Serbisk, Slovakisk, Slovensk, Somalisk, Spansk, Svensk, Tagalog, Tamil, Thai, Tibetansk, Tigrinja, Tokelaurisk, Tyrkisk, Tysk, Ukrainsk, Urdu, Vietnamesisk
- Utgitt 08.01.2025
- Forlag/leverandør Tools for Schools Ltd (Book Creator)
- Medvirkende –
- Klassetrinn 1.trinn, 2.trinn, 3.trinn, 4.trinn, 5.trinn, 6.trinn, 7.trinn, 8.trinn, 9.trinn, 10.trinn, VG1, VG2, VG3, A1, A2, B1, B2, C1
- Fag –
- Fagområde Fremmedspråk, Engelsk for døve og sterkt tunghørte, Engelsk, Styrket engelsk, Antikkens språk og kultur, Idrettsfag, Kroppsøving, Mat og helse, Dansefag, Dramafag, Musikkfag, Kunst- og håndverksfag, Andre fag - musikk, dans og drama, Finsk som andrespråk, Grunnleggende norsk, Morsmål, Norsk for elever med kort botid, Norsk for elever med samisk som førstespråk, Norsk, Norsk for døve og sterkt tunghørte, Norsk tegnspråk, Styrket norsk, Samisk som andrespråk, Styrket samisk, Samisk som førstespråk, Geografi, Historie, Samfunnsfag, Økonomiske fag, Mediefag, Politikk, individ og samfunn, Psykologi, Rettslære, Matematikk, Naturfag, Biologi, Fysikk, Geofag, Informasjonsteknologi, Kjemi, Teknologi og forskningslære, Religion og etikk, Kristendom, religion og livssyn, Individuell opplæringsplan
- Læreplan KL06 Kunnskapsløftet, LK20 Fagfornyelsen, LK20S Fagfornyelsen (sami curricula)
- WCAG-nivå WCAG v2.1
- Operativsystem –
- Produktlinker –
- Lisensstatus –
- Lisenstype Lærerlisens
- Lisensvarighet 12 måneder
- Lisensbegrensning –
- Lisensbetingelser –
- Antall lisenser Veil. pris per lisens
- 1–4 kr 1 200,00
- 5–9 kr 900,00
- 10–19 kr 780,00
- 20–29 kr 720,00
- 30–39 kr 660,00
- 40–49 kr 600,00
- >50 kr 540,00
Is Book Creator GDPR compliant?
Yes, Book Creator is fully compliant with European regulations, such as GDPR. See the link below for Book Creator
Is there a cost per student?
There is no cost for students, and there’s no limit on the number of students that can join a teacher’s library. Book Creator is priced per teacher.
Are there any other limits (besides the number of libraries and books)?
No. There’s no limits on the number of pages in a book, or the duration of audio and video.
Can Book Creator be used in other languages?
Yes. Book Creator will automatically be set to the language of your internet browser. You can change the language manually in Book Creator by using our new language picker. To do this, click on your avatar and select the
What is the difference between the online version of Book Creator and the iPad app?
- The Online app is built for the classroom, with students creating books in their teacher’s library, allowing teachers to view and provide feedback on student work in real time, from any device, at - The iPad app is built for individual use, so each teacher or student works independently on a single device. Students can create books offline on their iPad, but teachers will need to view each device separately to see student work, and students have to use the same iPad every time. - Many of the creativity features are the same across both versions, but there are some features that only work in the online app - for example in-app image search, add-ons like Canva integration and Graphic Organizers, and voice search for images, maps and icons. - The Online app works on any device, including iPad where students and teachers can use the Safari browser. - The pricing for the Online version is per teacher (students are free), on an annual subscription basis, with volume discounts starting from 5 licenses. Discounts are also available for multi-year purchases. The cost of the iPad app is €3.99 per device, with volume discounts available through Apple School Manager. - Book Creator online can be purchased from this page or for a custom quote, please get in touch with our sales team here. The iPad app can only be purchased through Apple School Manager. You can see a more details comparison here:
We have already purchased the iPad app but we meant to buy the online version, what can we do?
Just reach out to the sales team and they will be able to help you with this.